News and Events

Throughout the year, we hold fundraising events that are key to Cornerstone delivering the service to women in Huntingdonshire. Thank you to all who attend, volunteer and donate. We could not do this without you.

If you would like to donate to the work, please visit our local giving page

Latest News

  • Cornerstone received funding to extend its work supporting women in the Fenland area from NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Integrated Care Board (ICB) and healthcare property investor and developer Assura plc. Read more

Coming Soon

  • Curry Night with Indian Elvis > 30th November 2024 - Book Now!

What's On

  • Join the training and become a pregnancy choices counsellor - call the office and speak to Helen to learn more about our online accreditation course.
  • Hold a fundraising event for Cornerstone - if you need ideas, please call the office 01480 457711.

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