Had a termination?
I’ve had a termination
Although a termination is something a woman may have chosen for various reasons at a difficult time in her life, it may still be an extremely painful emotional experience for her afterwards. Even if it was a long time ago.
Many women find it difficult to understand why they feel the way they do. Partners may not seem to understand; tension rises. Relationships break down. Life can seem overwhelming.
These symptoms can surface even years after the termination:
Recurrent dreams of termination or the unborn child
Feelings of guilt and remorse
A sense of emptiness and loss
Relationship difficulties
Anger and rage at husband, partner, family, friends or even other children
Eating disorders, alcohol or drug abuse
Feelings of helplessness and isolation
Low self-worth
Emotional numbness
But there is hope. Post-termination counselling is available as a free service through Cornerstone and is available to men and women.
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